Introducing Our New Premium Gift Range for 2014

We’re are still the same loyal supporters of traditional promotional fridge magnets, however we are excited to announce that we are expanding our range of promotional gifts and products for 2014 . Following the installation of a new state-of-the-art UV digital printing machine and laser cutting machine, we are pleased to announce the launch of […]

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Why Should You Use Promotional Items?

At some point in your life you will have been given a free gift by a company. As nice as that might be it isn’t just an act of kindness, behind every promotional item / gift handed out is a clever marketing strategy. It’s a great strategy that benefits both the company handing out the […]

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The Ins And Outs Of Subliminal Marketing

Subliminal marketing is a type of marketing that advertisers use to enter the unconscious mind of the consumer. In pretty much every major advertisement or magazine cover there will be subliminal messages hidden. Marketers hope that these subliminal messages will influence our thoughts, feelings and actions of our unconscious mind so that we will spend […]

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A Halloween ‘Who Dunnit?’

The Case of the Halloween Treat Thief About a week ago, a frightful crime was committed at the Badger Design office. Someone got into the Halloween treats and scoffed the lot of them! Inspector Tarquin was called in to investigate. After interviewing all the suspects, it was revealed that Lurking Lee Tucker was the Candy […]

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Monstrous Halloween Giveaway!

This Halloween we have decided to be sugar, spice and all things nice! Place an order with us before 31st October 2013 and we will send you a bundle of yummy Halloween goodies for you to sink your fangs into! Just quote ‘Trick-or-Treat’ when you place your order. Check out our Facebook page or follow […]

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Case Study: Brand New Innocent Fridge Magnets

We’re very proud to have produced the magnets in Innocent’s latest giveaway – their kids smoothie packs have some colourful and fun magnets inside, one of which wins you a chance to visit the Fruit Towers head quarters in London. You can see all the magnets available and the prizes on their website here:

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McVitie’s FREE Magnetic Notepad Campaign

In March McVitie’s Digestives launched an on pack promotional campaign. The special promotion offered a FREE magnetic notepad for every Mcvitie’s purchase a customer made. Their aim was to reward their customers while also encouraging multiple purchases and finally promote their VIP club loyalty scheme. The latter has become increasing popular with shoppers so McVitie’s […]

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