

McVitie’s FREE Magnetic Notepad Campaign

In March McVitie’s Digestives launched an on pack promotional campaign. The special promotion offered a FREE magnetic notepad for every Mcvitie’s purchase a customer made. Their aim was to reward their customers while also encouraging multiple purchases and finally promote their VIP club loyalty scheme. The latter has become increasing popular with shoppers so McVitie’s […]

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Promotional Products are The No1 Choice for Customers

Recent research commissioned by the British Promotional Merchandise Association (BPMA) proves that promotional products are the UK’s preferred choice of advertising.   BPMA’s research looked at all the different ways companies in the UK were advertising their brands and products. They then looked at which medium was likely to produce the best results and how […]

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The BPMA Announces Promotion Products Week

The British Promotional Merchandise Association (BPMA) has announced that its Promotional Product Week (PPW) will be taking place between the 16th and 20th of September. These dates will perfectly co-inside with the pre-Christmas buying window and initial planning period for most 2014 promotional campaigns. Because of this Marketing Directors, execs and co-ordinators from across the […]

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September Special Occasion & Awareness Days

This blog focuses on September as we continue with our seasonal holidays and events that could be of use to your promotional marketing campaigns. Remember these are just ideas for inspiration so if you want to discuss more promotional options be sure to give Badger Design a call on 01392 662 100. Our team has […]

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Using Promotional Products in B2B Marketing Campaigns

Promotional products are more commonly used in Business to Customer (B2C) marketing campaigns because at first glance there are more products catered towards customers instead of clients. There are also more contacts in a B2C campaigns so promotional products become a lot more cost effective. So the big question is: can promotional products be used […]

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Promotional Products for Your Employees

In most businesses your employees are going to know your products and services in and out. If they are happy in the working environment you provide they are likely to be one of the most positive and compelling advocates you have at your disposal. A positive advocate will promote your product to friends and family […]

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When & Why Would I Use Save the Date Magnets?

In our opinion Save the Date Magnets are one of the most under used promotional products out there. In today’s society we rely a little too much on phones and social network sites to tell us when an important event is coming up. Entering important dates into your phone is often a job that’s put […]

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August Promotional Opportunities

This blog focuses on August as we continue with our seasonal holidays and events that could be of use to your promotional marketing campaigns. Remember these are just ideas for inspiration so if you want to discuss more promotional options be sure to give Badger Design a call on 01392 662 100. Our team has […]

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What can Promotional Stickers be used for?

Some of the biggest companies in the world rely on promotional stickers to form a large aspect of their marketing campaign. In the UK, McDonalds are probably the most well-known for using stickers in their extremely successful Monopoly competitions and promotions. If you want to follow their success, promotional stickers can really only play one […]

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