Making sure your Promotion is Remembered

The British Promotional Merchandise Association has recently released a report with some very interesting facts relating to the British Public and how they respond to promotional merchandise that’s sent to them.

Otherwise known as the BPMA the British Promotional Merchandise Association has been established since 1965 and are now considered to be the leading UK Body when it comes to promoting best practice around sourcing, manufacturing and distribution of promotional goods.


At Badger Design we tailor our product portfolio around BPMA’s advice so our customers can choose from practical promotional merchandise that has a better chance of producing a higher ROI (Return of Investment). For the business owners and marketing manager / executives out there we’ve cherry picked some of the most interesting facts from BPMA’s latest report as we believe they could aid your future promotional campaigns.


94% of customers who received promotional goods 6 months ago can still remember the brand or product that was being promoted. 66% of customers keep these promotional items for over 6 months and 44% keep them for over a year!


39% are more likely to use a business that has given them a promotional item when the need of their services arises.


50% of all the people asked confirmed that they have 3 or more promotional items on their desk at work. This is especially useful when it comes to deciding what type of product to use as your promo gift. Coasters, Screen and Shelf Wobblers for example are great in office environments for staff and clients.


The most interesting fact and contrary to what most people believe is that 98% of people asked believe that promo items are not a waste of money and 50% of them like receiving promotional products. 50% also admitted that if the item being handed out had a practical application they would actively go out of their way to get a free product.


In short there isn’t such a negative stigma around promotional product marketing than first thought. BPMA advocate that the more practical uses a product has the longer the customer will keep it with them and therefore the more impressions your promotion gets. Finally targeting office environment will most likely increase the life span and use of the promo product.

Coasters, Shelf and Screen Wobblers

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