The BPMA Announces Promotion Products Week
The British Promotional Merchandise Association (BPMA) has announced that its Promotional Product Week (PPW) will be taking place between the 16th and 20th of September. These dates will perfectly co-inside with the pre-Christmas buying window and initial planning period for most 2014 promotional campaigns. Because of this Marketing Directors, execs and co-ordinators from across the country will be on the prowl for last minute promotional purchases and new ideas and innovations for future campaigns.
The Promotional Products industry is currently worth £765 million in the UK alone so the BPMA aim is to raise the awareness of promotional products while also showing how effective they can be as part of an integrated marketing or advertising campaign.
A brand new logo and website has been created for the event while a series of Adverts, Press Releases and social media campaigns help drive attention and interest. On top of this a further 600 BPMA members will be promoting the week on a more local level so you’re bound to see a lot more information circulating around over the next month.
Highlights of the event include the BPMA Design Awards competition which is currently in its 3rd year of running. The competition is designed to get young enthusiasts more involved in the industry so the students who participate will be required to come with inspiring new concepts for promotional merchandise. The winner will get to see their designs turned into a prototype and pitched to some of the biggest promotional companies in the UK.
The event will be rounded off with a dinner at the House of Commons which will be exclusively for BPMA patrons and hosted by MP Brian Binley.
To find out more about the event please visit the BPMA Promotional Products week website.